Together, we’re equipping the next generation with the knowledge and confidence to make informed, healthy choices.
With vaping use steadily rising, especially amongst young people, it’s more important than ever to shine a light on its health impacts.
Recent studies reveal that e-cigarette usage is ten times higher among 18–24-year-olds than those over 50. Alarmingly, around 14% of 12–17-year-olds have used or experimented with vaping—a trend that continues to grow.
Vaping exposes users to toxic chemicals, including nicotine, which can impair brain development in adolescents. These toxic substances lead to serious health risks, such as poisoning, lung damage, addiction, and a greater likelihood of smoking cigarettes.
Adolescents who vape are three times more likely to start smoking. Studies also show e-cigarette users are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression and exhibit increased ADHD symptoms.
In response to the risk to our youth community, Inspiro’s Health Promotion team have been working to deliver a vaping prevention project, to educate and empower local school students.
With funding from a Yarra Ranges Council Grant, the project aims to increase awareness of vaping’s physical and mental health impacts. Workshops have been delivered at several schools across the Yarra Ranges, including Ferny Creek and Launching Place Primary Schools, and Lilydale High School.
After learning about the risks of vaping, how marketing tactics target young people, and strategies to say no, students are then able to share their knowledge with their peers and the broader community.
“We learned that some vape chemicals include toxic chemicals that are also used in nail polish, rat poison, and they lie about nicotine.”
“Don’t vape, mate, or life won’t be great!”
“Sellers use bright colours and fun flavours to attract kids.”
“We talked about ways to kindly say no, like, ‘I have asthma’ or ‘I’m late for something.’”
If you or your school are interested in this project, please get in touch with the Inspiro Health Promotion team via
View coverage of this project, in the local Star Mail:
Where to get help:
Quitline – Call 13 QUIT (13 78 48), for confidential advice and support from friendly, professional counsellors.
Kids Helpline (free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people) – Call: 1800 55 1800
Headspace (mental health services for 12 to 25 year olds) – Call: 1800 650 890 or chat online
Vaping and smoking – Office for Youth, Australian Government