In Australia, men have a lower life expectancy than women, are more likely to be overweight and experience higher rates of mental health and chronic disease. ¹
This is something that affects our whole community, and why it is so important we continue to talk about the health issues impacting Australian men and work towards improving the health and wellbeing of men and boys in the Yarra Ranges.
Small, everyday changes can make a big difference in preventing avoidable health issues and finding some regular time to check in with yourself and your mates is a great place to start.
The Inspiro team is here to help and have some practical advice to get you on the road to better health, and a happier life.
Call or text a mate – open up, ask questions, listen.
Inspiro Exercise Physiotherapist Mitch has learnt over the years the importance of looking after yourself and practicing self-care, and he believes it is equally important to make time to look out for each other. Too often we hear from mates about health problems after the fact (or perhaps not at all). They may be facing their own battles with finances, family or work and have no one to check in and give them some support.
“It is very hard to see a mate struggle and you want nothing but the best for them, to feel like they are worth it and most of all, happy. Ask yourself – has anyone called or texted you in the last week to see how you are? Or if you are happy?”
Mitch suggests checking in with two mates each week, “You will be very surprised how much better they feel after that check in. Even make time to catch up for coffee. Life gets in the way but by doing this, you will absolutely make their day and or week!”
Nourish your body with good food, water and rest. Get active by doing things you enjoy.
Tracey, health and nutrition expert at Inspiro, knows just how important it is to develop healthy eating habits to give your body the energy and nutrition it needs to get you through your busy days.
But just like a car, we need more than just good quality fuel to run efficiently. “For a car to be working its best it also needs extras like oil, water, brake fluid, regular maintenance and care. For us, think – nourishing food, water, rest, relaxation and self-care.”
Enjoy better health by incorporating good habits into your everyday life. Stay active by walking your dog, playing with your kids, going for a kick of the footy or by gardening.
For more on being active and moving for mind and body – read Mitch’s tips here.
Find time to stop and recharge your batteries.
It is really hard to feel your best when you are overloaded, exhausted and stressed.
Russel, Inspiro’s General Manager – Primary and Community Health says, “As men, sometimes we feel that we need to give and not stop. We feel that we need to be STRONG and BRAVE. Sometimes this is not ideal. There are always two sides to a coin, and it is important to STOP, RECHARGE, REFLECT and this makes us better men.”
Running on an empty tank is not good for your mental and physical health. Some things can wait, but your health cannot. Russel’s advice? Seek out moments that lift your spirits and make you laugh. Set aside quiet time in your week too, to slow down and check in with yourself. Consciously making time to do these things will bring greater balance to your week and improve mental health and wellbeing.
Remember, there’s only one of you and it’s ok to be kind to yourself.
Reach out and get support when you need it.
The team at Inspiro are here to make sure you get the health care you need to live a happier, healthier life. Find out more about our services here or get in touch with our friendly team on (03) 9738 8801.
For additional support and men’s health information, contact your GP or get in touch with these great organisations and websites:
Know your Man Facts (Australian Men’s Health Forum) –
Health Checks for Men (Better Health Channel) –
Healthy Male –
Beyond Blue –
Lifeline Australia (13 11 14) –
Head to Health –
MensLine Australia Counselling –
Mens Shed Association –
¹ (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2020). Australia’s health snapshots. Australia’s health series no. 17 Cat. no. AUS 232. Canberra: AIHW and Department of Health (2019). National men’s health strategy 2020-2030. Department of Health, Canberra.)