This year for International Women’s Day, we’re sharing our favourite online women’s health and wellness resources with you. This is where we turn to for advice, inspiration, empowerment and entertainment on work, motherhood and family, exercise, sexual health, food and overall motivation. We hope you find our recommendations valuable too.
Sue (CEO) recommends
Move Your DNA
A recent fave podcast is Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman. With a sedentary job I find this podcast motivates me to be more active and mindful of the benefits of exercise.
TED talks
I love TED talks because they are just the right length to hear 2 or 3 topics as I’m driving to and from work. They’re informative and diverse in topic interest so I can’t get bored.
Delicious Australia
Any YouTube videos showing how to cook things I love to serve my family. One in particular is delicious. Australia. Lots of yummy and easy to do recipes.
Ashleigh (podiatrist) recommends
Her Trails
I am a member of Her Trails. These ladies are all about women embracing running combined with adventure, listening to our bodies our cycles and all things women!
They have a brilliant set of podcasts on Spotify and one of the main creators is based in the Dandenong Ranges.
Penny (Executive Assistant) recommends
Feel Better, Live More
I listen to Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s ‘Feel Better, Live More’ podcast.
An author and GP, he says, “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it.”
I just love his sensible approach and wish he was my GP! He speaks to lots of different peeps – health experts, personalities – some of whom I have also then gone on to listen to. There are bitesize options and full-blown episodes. (I’ve also got a couple of his books!)
Vicki (Community Nurse) recommends
Jean Hailes
I refer a lot of women (older usually) to Jean Hailes – they have a great website with lots of evidence-based women’s health information.
Sexual Health Victoria and Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
I send younger people to the Sexual Health Victoria website (formerly Family Planning Victoria) and the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre website for sexual health information.
Megan (Health Promotion) recommends
Ladies We Need To Talk
For health, wellbeing, sexuality and uncomfortable topics – I like to listen to Ladies We Need to Talk with Yumi Stynes.
Chat 10, Looks 3
I like to listen to Chat 10 Looks 3 with Annabel Crabb and Leigh Sales for good books, podcasts and series.
A Podcast of One’s Own
I listen to A Podcast of One’s Own with Julia Gillard for highbrow celebration of women and the amazing achievement of women in leadership positions.
Stephanie (Paed. Speech Therapist) recommends
Yoga With Adriene
I like this YouTube channel for yoga.
I recommend it because Adriene allows me to practice yoga in my own lounge room (and her dog features in many of the videos too!).
It helps me feel more connected, rather than trying to do my own stretches or poses.
Kylie (Human Resources) recommends
Brene Brown
At the moment, my go-to fave is Brené Brown. Anything by her: podcasts, YouTube, Ted talks, interviews on her new book – it’s all fab!
Super Soul, Emily Toner and Lisa Corduff
I also like Oprah’s Super Soul podcasts and Aussie Emily Toner for meditation and mindfulness sessions on Facebook. And Melbourne mum and blogger Lisa Corduff – love her!
Mia (Head to Health Team Leader) recommends
Mums of The Hills
I get a lot of support from the Mums Of The Hills group on Facebook. It has great resources for peer support, and linkages to things such as Infant CPR courses and post-natal Pilates.
I use the Balance app (free for the first year) which tailors meditations to you.