Tooth decay impacts around 2 in every 5 Australian children and is the leading cause of preventable hospital admissions in children aged under 10 (Department of Health and Human Services, 2018).
In the Yarra Ranges, 6% of children were admitted to hospital for a preventable dental condition in 2018 -19.
Good oral hygiene habits start early and Inspiro is proud to be working in partnership with many early childhood services across the Yarra Ranges, to improve oral health through the Smiles 4 Miles program.
Funded by Dental Health Services Victoria, early childhood services are granted the Smiles 4 Miles award for promoting three key messages to families and children attending their services: Drink Well, Eat Well, Clean Well.
You can help look after your child’s teeth by:
- Always having water available and easily accessible
- Role model healthy eating by enjoying fruit and vegetables as part of your everyday
- Bushing children’s teeth along the gum line twice a day
- Cleaning children’s teeth and gums as soon as the first tooth appears, using a damp cloth or a small, soft toothbrush
- Don’t wait for a problem. Children should have their first dental check up by 2 years of age and regular check-ups as advised by their dentist
- Limiting sweet drinks to special occasions
- Limiting the amount of sugary food, especially between meals
Check out these helpful “Tooth Friendly Snacks” to try with your child at home.
Did you know? All children aged under 12 can access free or low-fee dental services through Inspiro’s dental service.
Find out more here or get in touch with our dental team by calling 9738 8801.
For more dental health advice visit the Dental Health Services Victoria website: Dental Health Advice |
Is your kinder or childcare centre interested in participating in the Smiles 4 Miles program?
Registrations for 2024 close 29th March.