Need support or just someone to talk to? We see you and we can help.
Inspiro provides high quality mental health and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) support options to our community. And we’ve recently expanded our services so we can help more people in the Yarra Ranges.
Mental Health and AOD support is now available from three Inspiro sites: Lilydale, Belgrave and Yarra Junction.
You can access our support services in person or remotely.
In addition to onsite face-to-face appointments, we offer telehealth (telephone and online) appointments across all mental health and AOD programs.
These are the mental health programs we offer:
Steps Mental Health: Providing psychology, mental health nursing, peer support, groups and support co-ordination services to people experiencing mental ill-health.
The team use a ‘stepped care’ approach — this means that we can change your level of support as your needs change.
Head to Health: Providing psychology, mental health nursing, peer support, groups and support co-ordination to people impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
As with Steps, the team use a ‘stepped care’ approach – as your needs change, we can change the service type to meet your support needs.
Generalist Counselling: For people requiring support to improve their mental wellbeing and daily functioning. Our specialist team provides counselling for six sessions to support your improved mental health.
Alcohol and other Drugs Services: We provide a range of AOD support services and work with you to get a better understanding of your concerns and treatment needs.
Our AOD services are free and confidential, and our experienced clinicians understand making that first call for help is not easy. People can contact us knowing they are speaking to clinicians who approach addiction issues with experience and understanding – and without judgement.
We are here to support friends or family members concerned about a loved one, if they want someone to talk to about the issues they are facing.
For 24/7 help and advice, call Eastern Alcohol and Drug Services (ECADS) on 1800 778 278.
Inspiro is part of ECADS, a partnership of Victorian Eastern service providers that work amongst the community helping to improve the wellbeing particularly for Alcohol and other Drugs.
Medication Support and Recovery Services: For people who are dependent on, or having problems with their use of, prescription or over the counter medications.
Family Violence Counselling: Providing specialised family violence counselling to assist people impacted by family violence to develop plans to strengthen theirs and others safety, to reduce the impact of family violence, and to heal from traumatic experiences relating to family violence.
Home And Community Care (HACC-PYP): For people under 65 years who need counselling support to improve mental health, wellbeing and daily functioning. This service is available to those who don’t meet eligibility criteria for NDIS or who are waiting to get on to the NDIS.
Psychosocial Support Service: Arriving soon to Inspiro, this service provides support for a wide range of areas. Receive practical help with: daily living, looking after your health, finding a home, gaining employment and improving your connections with family, friends and the community.
In addition to these no-cost services, Inspiro provides onsite Private Psychology. This service provides local counselling and psychology services at Inspiro Lilydale and over telehealth.
Help is just a phone call away.
To access our mental health and AOD services – or for more information, please call our friendly intake team on 9738 8801. The team will help you or your loved one decide which service is suited to you and your needs.