On Wednesday 6 September, the Minister for Mental Health, the Honourable Gabrielle Williams, visited our North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect service and toured the new Ivanhoe hub. Minister Williams was joined by key staff from Access Health and Community, healthAbility, Inspiro and SHARC (Self Help Addiction Resource Centre) to announce the official opening of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect services across Victoria.
The establishment of the North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect service, as one of eight Connect services across Victoria, was one of the key recommendations in the Victorian Mental Health Royal Commission.
The North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect service currently has a main hub site in Ivanhoe and satellite sites in Lilydale, Belgrave, Eltham and Ashburton.
Our services include:
- Individual and group-based peer support
- Family counselling
- Information, resources and practical support
- Practical and financial assistance
- Education sessions and group programs
The hub in Ivanhoe includes consulting rooms, a purpose-built kitchen and lounge space, a library and resource centre, an outdoor balcony, a children’s area and a ‘quiet’ room. No appointment is needed and families can drop in any time or call us on 8850 4150 to book an appointment. The hub is now open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm. Evening and weekend hours will be added in the coming months.
About the Connect Service
The North East Metro Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect centre is a warm and welcoming space for family, carers, and supporters of people living with mental health or substance use concerns.
It is a space for families to drop in and connect with each other and our Family Peer Workers who have their own lived experience of caring for a family member with mental health or substance use concerns.
Our services are provided in a range of ways to ensure they are accessible. We provide services in person at the hub and satellite sites, over the phone and via telehealth. You can drop in or call us to book an appointment. We also have resources and information available via our website: https://thefirststop.org.au/
Ivanhoe Hub
Our hub site in Ivanhoe is open Monday – Friday:
- Location: Suite 3/50 Upper Heidelberg Rd, Ivanhoe
- Phone: (03) 8850 4150
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
No referral or appointment is needed and there is no cost for the service. Families can drop in to our hub, or call us to make an appointment at a time and location that suits them.
Satellite Sites
Call us to make an appointment at one of our Satellite sites:
Yarra Ranges Youth Space (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9.00am-5.00pm by appointment only.)
5/9 Clarke St, Lilydale VIC 3140
Belgrave Community Hub (Mondays and Thursdays 9.00am-5.00pm by appointment only.)
1616/1624 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave VIC 3160
Ashburton Camcare (Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm by appointment only.)
4 Y Street, Ashburton VIC 3147
Eltham (Fridays 10.00am-12:30pm by drop in or appointment.)
917 Main Rd, Eltham VIC 3095
More information
We provide services in person, over the phone or online. We encourage you to call us first so that we can work together on how to best support you.
Telephone: (03) 8850 4150